Seaweed Solutions

Be part of our global community of purpose-driven Climateers coming together to scale up Seaweed Solutions

We make it easy for you to help tackle the Climate Crisis:


Have Fun, Learn, Take a Course, Network and Meetup 

Volunteer, Find a Job and Get a Gig and Connect with Recruiters

Connect with investors/donors and Invest in the future

Grow your Business and Scale your Non Profit

In Project Drawdown’s 2020 list of top 80 climate solutions, seaweed farming and macroalgae protection and restoration were both named  effective solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Seaweed’s potential for carbon sequestration and renewable energy production was noted, as well as its ability to provide food and fertilizer, and improve coastal ecosystem health.

 Our Products

Climateers makes it easier for people and organizations to take meaningful climate action.


We need to speed and scale multiple Seaweed solutions to tackle seaweed.


We are building Seaweed Directories and Collaboration Spaces for each region.

Join the Collaboration Space for your region and meet local Climateers.

Take Action

Find out more about Seaweed Climateers by browsing this site’s menu.

Then head over to our main Climateers launch site to find out how Seaweed fits within our growing network of hundreds of Climate Solutions.

You can then Join Free today and become a founding member.

We have position vacancies for volunteers and for staff to help grow our network of local Seaweed ecosystems that are collaborating to end Seaweed.

Join FREE today and become a

Founding Member at

Seaweed Climateers is part of the wider global network of Climate Solutions Ecosystems.

On March 22nd 2023 we have prelaunched Climateers ahead of our main May launch.

By joining our mailing list for free today you can become one of the 10,000 Founding members at Climateers.

You’ll receive lifetime Founding Member benefits including bragging rights of helping to create the Social Tipping Point to help rewrite the end of the Climate Crisis story.